Are we not makers of history? (eBook)
Title: Are we not makers of history? / Não somos nós fazedores da história?
Edited by: Luamba Muinga and Sara Carneiro
Foreword: Candice Allison
Contributors: José Luís Mendonça and Tavares Cebola, Helena Uambembe, Lizette Chirrime, Luís Santos, Marilú Namóda, Teresa Firmino e Yonamine
Published by Bag Factory Artists’ Studios, Johannesburg. 2020
Translation: Marvin Abrahamo, Luamba Muinga and Sara Carneiro
Design and video editing: Luamba Muinga and Sara Carneiro
Format: eBook, 117 pages
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Are we not makers of history? is a meditation between artists / curators / authors about formats and ways of perceiving the past, present and future that advocate for the endurance of a collective memory in the Southern African region and also explore aspects that lead to the preservation of identity and emphasize a historical reflection. The curator-editors commissioned experimental responses from nine Lusophone cultural practitioners based in/between Luanda, Maputo, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Greece, and the Netherlands. The publication was edited by Luamba Muinga (Angola) and Sara Carneiro (Portugal/Mozambique), produced during the Luso-Linkup virtual curatorial residency.
This project is supported by an ANT Mobility Grant from Pro Helvetia Johannesburg financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).