Are we not makers of history?

Digital publication launch and panel discussion

02 DEC 2020, 7pm (SAST) / 6pm (AST) | Facebook Live

Join us for the launch of the digital publication, Are we not makers of history? edited by Luamba Muinga (Angola) and Sara Carneiro (Portugal/Mozambique), produced during the Luso-Linkup virtual curatorial residency.

Our Director Candice Allison will be chatting with Sara and Luamba about virtual residencies, collaborating digitally across physical borders, and the contributions from artists, writers and researchers they commissioned for the publication.

Are we not makers of history? is a meditation between artists / curators / authors about formats and ways of perceiving the past, present and future that advocate for the endurance of a collective memory in the Southern African region and also explore aspects that lead to the preservation of identity and emphasize a historical reflection.

This project is supported by an ANT Mobility Grant from Pro Helvetia Johannesburg financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).